Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar, was established in 1857. Mandalay is located in central Myanmar, on the eastern bank of Ayeyarwady River. Mandalay as seen today is Myanmar's vibrant cultural center and one of the country's top holy sites, with stunning stonework and architecture.


Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar, was established in 1857. Mandalay is located in central Myanmar, on the eastern bank of Ayeyarwady River. Mandalay as seen today is Myanmar’s vibrant cultural center and one of the country’s top holy sites, with stunning stonework and architecture. 

Mandalay Experience

Explore Mandalay Trip

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Mandalay Hill

A sacred hill with breathtaking views of the surrounding area.

Mahamuni Pagoda

A major pilgrimage site with a revered Buddha statue.

U Bein Bridge

The longest teakwood bridge in the world, known for sunset views

Shwenandaw Monastery

A beautiful teak monastery known for its intricate carvings.

Kuthodaw Pagoda

Home to the world’s largest book, with inscriptions on 729 marble slabs.

Mandalay Royal Palace

A reconstruction of the original palace showcasing traditional Burmese architecture.

Mingun Pahtodawgyi

 An unfinished stupa that is one of the largest brick structures in the world.